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Another set of Leopard cracks for Adobe CS3 Design Suite Premium
Applications > Mac
33.29 MB

Oct 29, 2007

Here is the other set of cracks for CS3 Design Suite updated for Leopard.  If you downloaded the other crack and it didn\'t work, give these a try.  Good luck!


Just FYI - The first set of cracks is posted here:

One of these two sets of cracks should work for you. If not, you should get find a different version of CS3 to download.
Great this one works! You are the man!
could anyone tell me if i can crack the photoshop cs3 trial and the dreamweaver cs3 trial with this?
thx in advance
Whoops, I think I was a bit to enthusiastic; the inDesign patch doesn't work... But thanks so far for the other cracks!
This Photoshop crack works on Macbook Pro (Intel) with Leopard (downloaded here). I have not tried this crack on other Adobe CS3 products.

The other crack at did not crack my Photoshop.

Thanks Articblue2.
It´s work for me, thx a lot my m8!
I did some research in to the problem with InDesign. Unfortunately, even legit copies are having trouble running on Leopard. The whole time the Leopard beta was out, Adobe's developers sat on their fat asses and never bothered to check compatibility. Adobe claims ID works with Leopard, but judging by the amount of posts on several Mac forums, this is not the case.

I will keep looking for a solution, but at the moment, there doesn't seem to be much I can do until Adobe releases a patch. Sorry if this is a big problem for anyone. Just be glad you didn't pay for CS3 :P
It worked for me, but only after I manually changed the permissions on dreamweaver. I had to change the permissions of the file I kept getting an error on in the package contents. The patcher asked to change permissions, and I let it, but I still had to do this. This is only on Dreamweaver, PS worked fine.
the other set posted gave me no luck at all, but this one worked perfect, i now have cs3 back on my maac running leopard beutifully THANKS!
How can we update CS3 once it's been cracked?
This one worked fine for me except for Dreamweaver, Flash Video Encoder, and InDesign. The one at didn't do jack though. Any ideas? Thanks!
Like I had to change the permissions... which didn't do anything but give me an error.
In Design: "Adobe Indesign is shutting down. A serious error was detect......" Please help me!!!!!
I've got a Macbook Pro with Leopard.

I downloaded this version of CS3 design premium:

This installation worked fine.

After that I used these chacks...
But with every crack I tried is says:
"You can't apply the Patch on this File!"

Why is this?

I'm doing everything like is told in MovieGalley.

Can someone help me please!
I've worked out how to get the Dreamweaver and Flash Video Encoder cracks to work but InDesign is broken after applying the crack. I'll write up some instructions for the others now...
@ flopke
This is the version of CS3 that works with these cracks:
The mininova version of the same name has many more seeds.
All of the new cracks work except the ones for Dreamweaver, Flash Video Encoder and InDesign. To get these cracks to work, do the following:

1. Go through the usual crack process by dragging "Applications/Adobe Dreamweaver CS3/" onto "Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 9.0.0 (3453) [k] (Universal).app".

2. It will show a message saying "iPatch need to change permissions for these files...". Click the "Change Permissions" button and enter your password when asked.

3. It will show an error message with a path to a file at the bottom of the error. Leave the error window open.

4. Open a finder window and go to the path shown in the error message. In this case it's "Applications/Adobe Dreamweaver CS3/". To get to this path right-click on "Applications/Adobe Dreamweaver CS3/" and select "Show Package Contents". In the finder window that opens navigate to the rest of the path and right-click on the file and select "Get Info".

5. Scroll to the bottom of the "Get Info" window and open the "Sharing & Permissions" pane. You might need to click the lock icon and enter your password to enable changes. Change all the privileges to "Read & Write" (don't worry, they'll automatically revert to their defaults later).

6. Now go through the same normal cracking process you did in step 1. This time it will work.

7. Do the same for Flash Video Encoder and InDesign. Obviously the paths will be different but you'll see those in the error messages.

8. Unfortunately it looks like InDesign doesn't actually work after applying the crack. The error shown is quoted in scianna2003's comment above. Hopefully Arcticblue can come up with something soon!
Just to let you know, that there is no problem with ID and leopard, the build number of all the torrents available for CS3 are prerelease build numbers (, there's a new updated message by Adobe saying:

InDesign & Leopard: UPDATE II

If you're having problems running InDesign on Leopard, please submit crash logs to Adobe. They are being examined as they arrive.

We are noticing that we are receiving crash logs for Leopard that indicate that users are using pre-release builds (i.e., builds with numbers lower than 458). No one should be using a pre-release build on any OS, let alone the new Leopard release.

This build number seems impossible to update too, I tried many ways to update it to a newer version, it doesn't work.
If anyone has a build number for InDesign that is above 458 then this will work properly on Leopard...
Hope this is available..

I see there is a serial number in Serial Box for InDesign CS3 French trial version and I have in my mind to download the French trial and to use this serial number. What do you think? It may work like a normal InDesign application?

And if somebody managed to get InDesign working on Leo, please make a torrent with this InDesign and give it to everybody. Thanks
winobie, The InDesign works for you? Tell me where did you get it from? Can you make a torrent with InDesign + serial numbers? Please...
Mine version of InDesign is :((

How can I get an upgrade or a new version if the program is not opening?
According to the InDesign blog:

If you're having problems running InDesign on Leopard, please submit crash logs to Adobe. They are being examined as they arrive.

We are noticing that we are receiving crash logs for Leopard that indicate that users are using pre-release builds (i.e., builds with numbers lower than 458). No one should be using a pre-release build on any OS, let alone the new Leopard release.

When you check your build number, you should see either the number 458 (which would correspond to InDesign CS3/5.0) or 624 (which is the build number for InDesign CS3/5.01).

If you've got a pre-release build (which you should not), then don't be surprised if it behaves in unpredictable and aberrant ways, and don't be surprised if we don't support it on Leopard.

If, however, you're using either release builds 458 or 624, then we definitely want to get your crash reports and bug reports. Please send us the crash logs when option appears, and (as previously requested) take the time to submit a bug report here that includes the details of your Leopard installation process.

So, the main problem is because of the old version we all use InDesign I tried to downlaod the updates from Adobe site but when I try to install them it says "The updater is unable to locate the product to be updated".

at the moment i'm using ID on a pc (and hating it) untill i find a solution...
Can someone put on piratebay only the indesign CS3 that is working on Leo?

Thanks in advance
Bloody piratebay not allowing external links! I was going to comment about how there's a new crack on mininova which works with the trial versions of CS3. Now you'll just have to work it out yourselves, or complain to piratebay!
Worked for me with PS and AI, thanks.
It works perfectly for Illustrator and PhotoShop..But why wont InDesign work??
Could anyone plz help me with this? I Need it for school.
I can't find the crack @ Mininova that works with the trail version that u can download @ the adobe website.

Can someone give the full name of this crack @ mininova?
The mininova crack got pulled
THIS WORKS FOR PHOTOSHOP VERSION 200700222.... FINALLY!!! It also works on flash and illustrator. For some reason its not working on my dreamweaver/indesign/flash encoder thing

Maybe because i have dreamweaver 8 installed already?

Someone plz post if there dreamweaver works or if they get indesign up and running... THANKS

photoshop updated to v10.0.1 any. Updater doesn't work. do i have any options?
i just got a new macbook, it doesn't say its leopard, but its os x 10.5. the other cracks didn't work, but this one did. thanks so much!
No luck with Dreamweaver or Flash Video Encoder here. The other Arcticblue torrent worked fine for the rest (I didn't bother installing InDesign). For DW and FVE, though, I got the same permissions issue as with the other torrent.
Thanks again to arcticblue
Is there a reason why this either stops moving at a certain percentage or doesn't download at all? I've been trying to acquire all your cracks but they all stop. I only DL one at a time and there's nothing wrong with the firewall. Some help would be nice.